On June 3, 2003 at 19:30, Kris Jensen wrote:
I'm trying to install mharc on a Mac OS X 10.2.6 system, but have run
into problems compiling namazu. The files seem to compile okay, but
linking generates several errors similar to this:
ld: multiple definitions of symbol _getopt
/usr/lib/libm.dylib(getopt.So) definition of _getopt
../lib/libnmzut.a(getopt.o) definition of _getopt in section
Other multiply defined symbols are: _opterr, _optind, and _optopt
Looks like namazu has its own copy of the getopt() functions
and Mac OS X already includes it in libm (I'm not sure why since
libm usually denotes the math library).
I believe this issue is addressed in this thread from the
namazu-users-ja mailing list:
Too bad I don't read Japanese...
Neither do I. There are ways to remedy the problem, but I believe
the namazu folks probably know the simpliest way based upon how
namazu is compiled.
I realize that this is not really a mharc problem, but unfortunately,
most of the namazu-related websites and information sources seem to be
in Japanese.
There is an english discussion list, namazu-users-en(_at_)namazu(_dot_)org,
I have cc'ed in this response. Goto <http://www.namazu.org/ml.html>
for subscription information.
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