##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## File: ## $Id: mhtxtenrich.pl,v 2.11 2010/12/31 20:34:00 ehood Exp $ ## Author: ## Earl Hood mhonarc@mhonarc.org ## Description: ## Library defines a routine for MHonArc to filter text/enriched ## data. ## ## Filter routine can be registered with the following: ## ## ## text/enriched;m2h_text_enriched::filter;mhtxtenrich.pl ## text/richtext;m2h_text_enriched::filter;mhtxtenrich.pl ## ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## MHonArc -- Internet mail-to-HTML converter ## Copyright (C) 1997-2002 Earl Hood, mhonarc@mhonarc.org ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA ## 02111-1307, USA ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## package m2h_text_enriched; my %enriched_tags = ( 'bigger' => 1, 'bold' => 1, 'center' => 1, 'color' => 1, 'comment' => 1, 'excerpt' => 1, 'fixed' => 1, 'flushboth' => 1, 'flushleft' => 1, 'flushright' => 1, 'fontfamily' => 1, 'indent' => 1, 'indentright' => 1, 'italic' => 1, 'lang' => 1, 'lt' => 1, 'nl' => 1, 'nofill' => 1, 'paraindent' => 1, 'param' => 1, 'samepage' => 1, 'signature' => 1, 'smaller' => 1, 'subscript' => 1, 'superscript' => 1, 'underline' => 1, ); my %special_to_char = ( 'lt' => '<', 'gt' => '>', ); ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Filter routine. ## XXX: Need to update this filter. However, does anyone still use ## text/enriched anymore. ## sub filter { my($fields, $data, $isdecode, $args) = @_; my($innofill, $chunk); my $charset = $fields->{'x-mha-charset'}; my($charcnv, $real_charset_name) = readmail::MAILload_charset_converter($charset); my $ret = ""; $args = "" unless defined($args); ## Get content-type my($ctype) = $fields->{'content-type'}[0] =~ m%^\s*([\w\-\./]+)%; my $richtext = $ctype =~ /\btext\/richtext\b/i; if (defined($charcnv) && defined(&$charcnv)) { $$data = &$charcnv($$data, $real_charset_name); } else { mhonarc::htmlize($data); warn qq/\n/, qq/Warning: Unrecognized character set: $charset\n/, qq/ Message-Id: <$mhonarc::MHAmsgid>\n/, qq/ Message Subject: /, $fields->{'x-mha-subject'}, qq/\n/, qq/ Message Number: $mhonarc::MHAmsgnum\n/ unless ($charcnv eq '-decode-'); } ## Fixup any EOL mess $$data =~ s/\r?\n/\n/g; $$data =~ s/\r/\n/g; # translate back <>'s for tag processing $$data =~ s/&([lg]t);/$special_to_char{$1}/g; ## Convert specials if (!$richtext) { $$data =~ s/<]*)>} { my $eot = $1; my $tag = lc $2; $tag =~ s/\s+//g; ($enriched_tags{$tag}) ? '<'.$eot.$tag.'>' : '<'.$eot.$tag.'>'; }gexs; $innofill = 0; foreach $chunk (split(m|()|i, $$data)) { if ($chunk =~ m||i) { $ret .= '
	    $innofill = 1;
	if ($chunk =~ m||i) {
	    $ret .= '
'; $innofill = 0; next; } convert_tags(\$chunk, $richtext); if (!$richtext && !$innofill) { $chunk =~ s/(\n\s*)/&nl_seq_to_brs($1)/ge; } $ret .= $chunk; } $ret; } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## convert_tags translates text/enriched commands to HTML tags. ## sub convert_tags { my $str = shift; my $richtext = shift; $$str =~ s{.*?}{}gis; $$str =~ s{<(/?)bold\s*>}{<$1b>}gi; $$str =~ s{<(/?)italic\s*>}{<$1i>}gi; $$str =~ s{<(/?)underline\s*>}{<$1u>}gi; $$str =~ s{<(/?)fixed\s*>}{<$1tt>}gi; $$str =~ s{<(/?)smaller\s*>}{<$1small>}gi; $$str =~ s{<(/?)bigger\s*>}{<$1big>}gi; $$str =~ s{<(/?)signature\s*>}{<$1pre>}gi; $$str =~ s{\s*([^<]+)} {}gix; $$str =~ s|||gi; $$str =~ s{\s*\s*(\S+)\s*} {}gix; $$str =~ s|||gi; $$str =~ s||

|gi; $$str =~ s||

|gi; $$str =~ s||

|gi; $$str =~ s||

|gi; $$str =~ s||

|gi; $$str =~ s||

|gi; $$str =~ s||

|gi; $$str =~ s||

|gi; $$str =~ s|\s*([^<]*)|
|gi; $$str =~ s||
|gi; $$str =~ s|\s*(([^<]*))?|
|gi; $$str =~ s||
|gi; $$str =~ s|\s*([^<]*)|
|gi; $$str =~ s||
|gi; # richtext commands $$str =~ s{}{}gi; $$str =~ s{<(/?)subscript\s*>}{<$1sub>}gi; $$str =~ s{<(/?)superscript\s*>}{<$1sup>}gi; $$str =~ s{}{<}gi; $$str =~ s{}{\f}gi; $$str =~ s{}{

}gi; $$str =~ s{\n?}{

}gis; $$str =~ s{}{

}gi; $$str =~ s{}{

}gi; $$str =~ s{}{

}gi; $$str =~ s{}{

}gi; if ($richtext) { $$str =~ s{\n?}{
}gis; } else { $$str =~ s{}{}gis; } # Cleanup bad tags $$str =~ s{}{}g; } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## nl_seq_to_brs returns a "
" string based on the number ## of eols in a string. ## sub nl_seq_to_brs { my($str) = shift; my($n); $n = $str =~ tr/\n/\n/; --$n; if ($n <= 0) { return " "; } else { return "
\n" x $n; } } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## preserve_space returns a string with all spaces and tabs ## converted to nbsps. ## sub preserve_space { my($str) = shift; 1 while $str =~ s/^([^\t]*)(\t+)/$1 . ' ' x (length($2) * 8 - length($1) % 8)/e; $str =~ s/ /\ /g; $str; } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1;