
Re: more questions

2003-08-09 09:57:31
On August 9, 2003 at 05:14, Warren Stevens wrote:

I've got mharc more or less running, but...

Namazu can't find it's index files.  They seem to be in
html/<listname> and the generated .namazurc expects them in html/.
Ideas?  (the html/ dir holds a bunch of .PNM* files...)
The .PNM* files are template files and not part of namazu.
Inside each <mharc-root>/html/<listname> directory should be
a bunch of NMZ.* files.  These are namazu index files.

The "Index" entry is supposed to point to <mharc-root>/html (or more
accurately the value of $HTML_DIR in  The idxname query
string argument to the cgi then tells namazu which archive should
be searched.

namazu.cgi runs (and gives me errors about it's index) but other cgis,
like mnav.cgi, give me Internal Server Errors.  Granted, there's no
previous period, but shouldn't they die gracefully in that situation?
Have you checked you web server error log?  If Apache, are you using


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