
Re: LIST-mharc: Re: More questions

2003-08-12 14:14:26
On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 03:44:18PM -0500, Earl Hood wrote:
Then what do you have?  I.e. What do regular mail clients work
with in your environment?

Well, all my mail is sent through procmail, and winds up in mboxes.

From your previous message, it appears qmail is being used for
mail delivery, therefore, your mail is in maildir format.  If this
is the case, you need a script to generate a mailbox from
maildir before having mharc process the data.

For the archiving email address, I have the mail going to an mbox.
The .qmail man page says
that it uses "flock"-style locking when delievering to a mbox, but I'm
unsure how to ensure that mharc and qmail don't trounce each other
while working on the delivery mbox.

Another solution is replace the filter-spool part with a script
that calls procmail directly on messages in maildir directory using
procmail.mharc as the rc file.  The following is a quick shell script
that may work (this is untested):

I have tried maildir2mbox; it's possible that I could make the
delivery go into a maildir, dump the results into an mbox (which I
would then know is clean and unaccessed) and run it through readmail.


warren stevens -

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